ArticlesLiability Coverage for the Owner OperatorFor independent contractors, the world of Auto Liability can be a confusing place with lots of misnomers and interchangeable terms.
ArticlesMCSA-1: New Form for FMCSAThe MCSA-1 is a questionnaire designed to provide the FMCSA with a detailed snapshot of the operations of each individual motor carrier.
ArticlesBond Producer vs. Surety Advisor: Beyond the BondDiscover the critical difference between a bond producer and a surety advisor.
ArticlesWarehouse Legal LiabilityAs a warehouse operator, it's important to fully understand the legalities of the warehousing business and the coverages necessary.
ArticlesThe Cost of Employee MisclassificationAn often overlooked issue for motor carriers is the way that they are classifying their drivers as employees or independent contractors.
ArticlesCertificates of InsuranceWhat is a certificate of insurance and why is it so important for trucking companies to understand how they work?